Disc to the Future 2
Disc to the Future Part II Programmer's Reference (Wayzata Technology)(6013)(1992).bin
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127 lines
/* network.h - definition of the network (typically a tree) structure.
* 28.Jul.87 jimmc Initial definition
* 1.Aug.87 jimmc Add text stuff in Nbox
* 2.Aug.87 jimmc Add path stuff
* 12.Aug.87 jimmc Add boxname and netname to conn
* 14.Aug.87 jimmc Add stuff to rows, nets; add tracks
* 19.Aug.87 jimmc Add label
* 3.Nov.87 jimmc Add rowdir, modify Npoint
* 27.Jan.88 jimmc Add FEEDTHROUGH flag
/* parflag bits */
#define ROWSET (1<<0) /* this bit set if the row has been set */
#define ORDERSET (1<<1) /* this bit set if the order in row has been set */
#define BOXROW (1<<2) /* for rows, this bit set if a row of boxes */
#define SPANSET (1<<3) /* for tracks, indicates a span has been set */
#define POSITIONSET (1<<4) /* for boxes, when position within row is set */
#define FEEDTHROUGH (1<<5) /* for boxes, indicates a feedthrough net */
typedef struct _Npoint { /* a point or vector value */
int cc[2]; /* x and y */
#define X cc[0] /* normal coords */
#define Y cc[1]
} Npoint;
typedef struct _Ngroup { /* for dynamically allocated arrays of thingies */
int count; /* number of entries used */
int alloc; /* number of entries allocated */
union {
struct _Nnet **net;
struct _Nbox **box;
struct _Nconn **conn;
struct _Nrow **row;
struct _Ntrack **track;
struct _Ngroup **path;
struct _Npoint *pt; /* this one is a bit different */
int *n;
char * *x; /* untyped version of data */
} d;
} Ngroup;
typedef struct _Nconn { /* one connector (terminal) */
char *name; /* name of the connector */
char *boxname; /* name of the box (used before linking) */
struct _Nbox *box; /* pointer to box owning this connector */
Npoint pos; /* position of this connector wrt box */
Npoint apos; /* absolute position of this connector */
int side; /* which side of the box (N,S,E,W)*/
#define N 0
#define S 1
#define E 2
#define W 3
char *netname; /* name of net (used before linking) */
struct _Nnet *net; /* the net attached to this connector */
} Nconn;
typedef struct _Nbox { /* a box */
char *name; /* name of this box */
Npoint size; /* size of the box */
Npoint origin; /* origin (lower left corner) */
char *text; /* text within the box */
Npoint text_origin; /* origin of text relative to origin of box */
int text_opos; /* where the text origin is wrt the text (see plot.h) */
int rownum; /* number of the row this box is in */
struct _Nrow *row; /* row containing this box */
int rowpos; /* relative position of this block in that row */
Ngroup connlist; /* associated connectors */
int parflags; /* flags used during place/route */
} Nbox;
typedef struct _Nnet { /* one net (wire, polyline) */
char *name; /* name of the net */
Ngroup connlist; /* associated connectors */
struct _Ngroup pathlist; /* a set of paths */
int rownum; /* number of the row this net is in */
struct _Nrow *row; /* row containing this net */
int rowpos; /* position within that row */
int minpos,maxpos; /* span of the net within the row */
struct _Ntrack *track;
int parflags; /* flags used during place/route */
int angle;
} Nnet;
typedef struct _Ntrack { /* one track within a channel */
int parflags;
Ngroup netlist; /* list of nets in this track (from which
* we can determine the used ranges) */
int n; /* track index number in channel */
int pos; /* track position */
} Ntrack;
typedef struct _Nrow { /* one placement row */
int rownum; /* the number for this row */
int size; /* size of this row (typically the small dimension) */
int length; /* length (typically the larger dimension) */
int pos; /* position of the row */
Ngroup boxlist; /* boxes which are in this row */
Ngroup netlist; /* nets which are in this row */
int rowposmin, rowposmax; /* for relative position of boxes */
Ngroup tracklist; /* set of tracks within a channel */
int parflags;
} Nrow;
typedef struct _Nlabel {
char *s; /* the label string */
Npoint tsize; /* size of the label in chars */
Npoint origin; /* lower left corner of the label */
} Nlabel;
typedef struct _Nbase { /* the handle for everything */
Ngroup netlist;
Ngroup boxlist;
Ngroup connlist;
Ngroup rowlist;
int maxrowlength; /* length of the longest row */
/* global parms */
Npoint textsize;
int interrowspace; /* default space between rows */
int rowposspace; /* mon space between boxes in a row */
int trackspace; /* space between routing tracks */
Nlabel label; /* label for the whole thing */
int rowdir; /* 'V'ertical or 'H'orizontal */
} Nbase;
/* end */